JFK: The Lost Bullet


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JFK: The Lost Bullet剧情内容介绍

JFK: The Lost Bullet

They are among the most infamous home movies ever made, capturing an ***** that changed history. But do these humble 8-millimeter films reveal the whole story of John F. Kennedy's assassination?  National Geographic reveals these home movies as never before, restored to a state **** pristine than the day they were exposed to the Dallas sunshine of November 22, 1963. Join a team ...

发布于2011年。由罗伯特·斯通执导,并且由编剧David Konschnik携幕后团队创作。


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JFK: The Lost Bullet评价

  • 解密过程很有趣,有影像支持,但毕竟年份过远,一些细节无处考证,这次刺杀**也就这么不了了之。但这次刺杀**可以说是对美国造成了巨大的影响,无论是下一任总统入侵越南的举措,还是撕裂美国社会造成美国人民观点的转变,好莱坞可谓收益最大方。

  • 1. NG的纪录片也不是都好看,比如这部就一般;2. 上了一年多豆瓣终于轮到我添加条目了,哈哈。
