In Old Kentucky


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In Old Kentucky

Horse trainer Steve Tapley is caught between the feuding Martingale and Shattuck families. He sides with young Nancy Martingale and her grandfather Ezra, and the feud is to be resolved by a horse race between the favorites of each family. Unfortunately, the Martingale's horse, Greyboy, only runs well in mud. And it hasn't rained in a long time.

发布于1935年。由乔治·马歇尔执导,并且由编剧Charles T. Dazey、萨姆·海尔曼携幕后团队创作。集众多位威尔·罗杰斯、多萝西·威尔逊、Russell Hardie、Charles Sellon、路易丝·亨利等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1935-11-28(美国)公映的电影。


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In Old Kentucky评价

  • 驯兽师塔普利因才华出众被一名**青年沙特克所仇视,最后塔普利通过层层阻挠终于摆脱了沙特克家族,还因为***缘故收获了满满的爱情与**,前期运动风较重,后期就是走罗曼蒂克风了,挺好的片子
