Jack Garfein, the Wild One


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Jack Garfein, the Wild One剧情内容介绍

Jack Garfein, the Wild One

Holocaust survivor. Hollywood darling. Uncompromising stage and screen director. Misfit. Maverick. Exile. Jack Garfein has lived many lives and has inhabited many worlds. From his native Carpathian mountains, to New York, where he taught and directed the biggest stars, to Los Angeles, where he charmed and then defied the gatekeepers, to Paris, where he now lives, Garfein has be...

发布于2021年。由特莎·路易斯-萨洛梅执导,并且由编剧特莎·路易斯-萨洛梅、Sarah Terquem携幕后团队创作。集众多位杰克·加芬等著名实力派明星加盟。


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