Light Warriors


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Light Warriors剧情内容介绍

Light Warriors

Last year, a serial killer styling himself as 'Dracula' terrorized a sleepy town near Mt. Shasta, California. SEAN KING's police officer dad sacrificed himself to end Dracula's reign of terror. This year, kids are disappearing again. And now, it's up to Sean, a 15 year-old high school kid, and his classmates PATRICK and LUKE, to solve the mystery. After band practice, they're g...

发布于2023年。由西恩·斯通执导,并且由编剧西恩·斯通、John Schramm携幕后团队创作。集众多位凯丽‧考恩、丹尼尔·迪马吉奥、福雷斯特·惠勒、迈尔斯·特鲁伊特、乔治娜·彭伯顿等著名实力派明星加盟。


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